Thursday, January 28, 2021

Intro to Social Media Marketing (Week 2)

 Intro to Social Media Marketing

        Social media marketing is the best way to get your product or service out there online. The best way to advertise to to pay for it.Google is a known as a search engine company but it is also a advertising company. Google offers this service called Adwords. Adwords is a service that advertises for one on the Google search engine. One has to pay in order to advertise on a Google search Engine page. The goal is to get clicks on ones advertisement. Adwords gives you a preview on how your ad will look before posting it and will tell one about an estimate on how many clicks it will get and if it will gets views. Once one gets the advertisement up on the search engine its a matter of time one starts receiving more people attracted to ones product or service. It is all random on how popular ones advertisement will be on the search engine. the advertisement will pop up by keywords one attaches to it when one creates the advertisement. There are other services for advertisement but that is just one of the main ones for advertisement. 

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        Social media marketing is growing rapidly ever since the internet was more commonly used. The internet opened up more careers for people to expand products and services. The market for social media marketing is nothing but growing now. Social Media marketing includes skills like Cloud and Distributed Computing, Statistical analysis and Data Mining, Middleware and Integration Software, Web Architecture and Development, User Interface Design, Software Revision Control Systems, Data Presentation, SEO/SEM Marketing, Mobile Development and Network and Information Security. Some of these skills are hard to learn. YES!!! They take time but they are learnable. One of the basic skill one should know is coding Python. Python is a computer program language to create software or functions. As i continue to blog I will be talking more in depth about these skills and how to acquire them. There are out there to get one started as a social media marketer. There are entry level jobs even if one thinks it might be too much or overwhelm oneself over it.


Friday, January 22, 2021

Week 1

They say your last year any place you go to is most memorable year especially at a 4 year institution. This is my senior year at Benedictine University. I like to introduce myself as Oliver Ugalde. I had a wild journey so far at Benedictine. I've had so many memories with being in class or at a event with friends. Ive met great people and I had an awesome Benedictine experience. I started at Benedictine as a Biology major my first two years til then I decided to move into the college of Business at Benedictine. I am a Finance Major and less than 30 credits away from graduating from Benedictine. I plan to use my Finance Degree to get into a Auto Dealership as a Finance Manager. My goal is to work in a city that is full of tourist like Las Vegas, Nevada. I currently am working two part time jobs. In my free time I like to workout and watch TV. When I get into a TV show I like I end up binge watching it until I finish with it. 



During these times where everything is shutdown due this pandemic. Everything goes downhill and alot of businesses will be losing money. In these times of Covid-19, people often spend less money since everything is closed or partially shutdown. People transport less or have remote jobs at home due to this pandemic. This Pandemic has affected a lot but also has made more jobs on the rise. Since more people are at home, they are spending less money than usual when they go out. Since people are stuck inside the house more they are often on the internet. #6 on the list in this article of rising jobs is Digital Marketing Professionals. These marketing professionals have to promote and expand the product online some way or some how through advertisement. These marketers have to grab your attention while your watching a video through Youtube or scrolling through Snapchat or either Instagram. The options are endless in where they can get you to see the product they want you to buy. #12 ties in with being on the internet a lot and stuck at home. This career on the list is a Mental Health Specialist. Mental health is important for everyone. This job is on the rise due to people are being isolated more since they are at home. Even if they are on social media a lot to talk to people that is a big problem cause that causes insecurities for people since they can not see body language as if you talk to someone in person. This article in which I will have a link below is a great article to potentially maybe go into a different type of career in your life that you would like to succeed in.

Tuesday, January 19, 2021


My name is Oliver Ugalde. I am currently a senior at Benedictine university. I am working towards my Finance Degree that I am less than 30 credits away. The reason I took this course was it was not required in my degree requirement but I took this course to get more knowledge in for marketing. Everything is about marketing in the business world. I work two part time jobs as of now. I am a car detailer and my other part time job is as a delivery driver for Amazon. I like to play video games or watch tv on my free time. The video games I usually play is Warzone on the PS4.

Level 2 ADAPT (Week 14)

              AI is Short for Artificial Intelligence. AI is prone to take over jobs. Yes, AI  will take over jobs but will also open more j...